SPERTUS is a research group officially accredited by the Regional Government of Galicia, based at the English and German Department of the University of Santiago. It is formed by senior professors and lecturers, predoctoral students as well as affiliated members from several national and international institutions, namely the University of Balearic Islands, University of Vigo, University of Alicante, University of Washington (USA) and ADA University (Azerbaijan).
Our group conducts research in a wide variety of areas of English linguistics with an aim to account for language variation and change in Present-Day English, the study of English as a lingua franca and of the analysis of different issues concerning the teaching and learning of English and Spanish as a foreign language.
This team cooperates with other international research units from the Universities of Minho (Portugal), Toronto (Canada), Trier (Germany), Metropolitan University of Manchester (UK) and Berne (Switzerland).
Most of our work can be regarded as cross-disciplinary since it covers a wide range of topics and issues pertaining to applied linguistics, general linguistics, sociolinguistics and language teaching and acquisition.
Both undergraduate and doctoral students who want to carry out research in those areas are warmly welcome. In the last few years over 70 students have completed their Master dissertation under the supervision of members of the team and a total of 17 students have successfully defended their doctoral dissertation.